

10 Tips for Interviewing Online

Date Posted: 12/29/2011

Online Interviews for Overseas Work

You’ve prepared a nice professional resume.
Your recruiter was impressed.
Now you are invited to appear for an online interview with the Employer.

Here are some tips to help you prepare for that very important meeting.

1. Relax. Remember to talk directly into the mouthpiece/headset microphone. It should be approximately three inches from the mouth, NOT below your chin or above your nose. Speak in a relaxed, conversational style as though the other person were in the same room.

2. Be confident. Avoid sitting in a hunched position, grasping the phone in a vise-like grip. Before your interview you need to feel empowered, think about and feel your strengths, focus on why you are a terrific fit for the position.

3. Set your intentions: 1)  Developing rapport, 2) developing credibility, 3) asking about next steps. Remember rapport is critical at this stage. Listen for statements that will give you clues about what the interviewer is looking for, problems you can solve, functional areas that you will excel at, behavioral strengths that will help you help the organization achieve its goals and objectives.

4. Make sure that you have done due diligence and understand how you are a great fit with the job description. Remember the initial stages of the interview process are all about demonstrating that you fit within the box of the job description.

5. Pay attention to the interviewer’s voice patterns; does he/she speak slowly or rapidly? Try to match the cadence so that the conversion flows smoothly and you develop rapport. Adjust your speaking rate, voice volume and phrasing to be more in rhythm with the interviewer.

6. Smile. Smiling oxygenates your brain, raises your mood. Stay focused an up, because you only have three goals: 1. Develop rapport 2. Develop Credibility 3. Find out about next steps.

7. Listen, listen well, listen carefully to get the big picture, and to avoid saying something that indicates any momentary mental distraction. Allow the interviewer to complete questions without you finishing his train of thought or blurting out answers prematurely.

8. Respond do not react. T

A= Acknowledge the objection because you need to lower tension, while coming to the middle of the table by acknowledging what the interviewer thinks is important (his/her opinion). Example: “I understand your concern. You have brought up a point that is important, and I would like to address it.”

R – Redirect the person’s concern by focusing on how you can handle the situation.

T – Test to be sure you’ve removed the concern.

S – Use a story to make your point; a story the interviewer can relate to, and that will engage him/her.

From: www.justcoachit.com

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