
Management Matters

Benefits of Hiring Asian Staff

Date Posted: 01/5/2015

‘Right man for the right job’, is the adage of manpower management, critical in running an enterprise successfully. However, many employers cannot find qualified human resources within their own countries. They look beyond borders as an option for hiring suitably qualified and experienced foreign staff.

In this regard Asia has emerged as one of the leading sources of qualified operational manpower. It has been clearly established that Asians, as a rule, can and will successfully fit into many roles that were once dominated by West European personnel. The reason for this shift in employer perception is because Asians have proven beyond doubt that they are just as good, very hardworking, easily adaptable to diverse work environments, are most adept and eager at quickly acquiring new skills, with the bonus attraction of being very cost attractive to hire.

Thus it is Asians who have created a niche with many leading international organizations as their first choice as reliable manpower. It is only archaic visa restrictions that prevent outstanding Asian professionals and thrilled workers from filling top management positions or senior high-skilled jobs in many countries in Europe and North America. However, the door is opening for Asians in the western hemisphere, and the Middle East purely for practical and economic reasons, just like western industrial production shifting to Asia and the Orient.

When looking at Asia for the right people, zeroing in amidst the vast array of countries and cultures may cause some confusion. Therefore when wondering where to look in Asia, one solution is to consider which nationalities are the most widespread. Scan which community is everywhere, from shipping (deck side/engineering), to hospitality to healthcare to technical and domestic service, from back office processes to frontline sales. You will see one common nationality everywhere, in demand across several sectors, the Filipinos, because they have successfully proven themselves to be the ideal choice of many industries.

The Philippines is a treasure trove of skilled manpower and professional staff, perfect for diverse jobs. Backed by good educational foundations and strengthened by their knowledge of English as their second language, skilled and semi-skilled Filipino workers of both genders have the required training and work experience in their disciplines to qualify to work anywhere. So much so, that “Balikbayans” or Filipinos working abroad, have much ‘amor propio’ or pride, in constituting an important segment of foreign exchange earners for their national economy.

Consider the reasons for the growing popularity of people from the Philippines and you will find many positive attributes that the Filipino package has to offer an employer.

•    As a religious group they display Christian virtues of high morality,  integrity, accommodativeness, generosity and reliability.

•    The hospitality and entertainment sectors are a natural draw for their vivacity and innate happiness that reflects a positive attitude contributing to a positive environment. There is music in their blood and this is evident even in their daily lives. Filipinos are very warm friendly and great entertainers with effortless showmanship in the performing arts of singing and dancing.

•    Restaurants around the world hire a large number of Filipinos because of their pleasing nature and English language skills. Filipinos also make extremely good cooks as is evidenced by the head chef at the White House who is Filipino.  They are known for their excellent dessert making skills and are quick and eager to learn any type of cuisine.

•    The healthcare sector absorbs Filipino nurses in hospitals around the world for their compassionate attitude, their diligence and hardworking nature, and affinity for close family ties and regard for seniors, and ‘bayanihan’, or spirit of care and cooperation among fellow men.

•    The shipping, oil & gas, and construction industries fill their vacancies with Filipino men for their respect of authority, technical and engineering knowledge and skilled workmanship. They have proven themselves as excellent workers, carpenters, plumbers, painters, welders, electricians, etc. ‘Pakikisama’ or comradeship is another attribute that is value in those professions requiring team-work.

•    Being hardworking individuals and giving their best to be of service for someone else’s household, Filipinos make excellent domestic helpers. Families across The Middle East, Asia and the Western world would never have a second income of the working wife without a reliable Filipina helper at home.

•    Salaries paid to Filipinos are attractively competitive and many countries in the Middle East and Asia hire Filipino staff for their obvious economic advantage. Therefore hiring Filipino staff makes good sense for your business to be competitive.

Need help in sourcing top quality staff from the Philippines?  Ikon is here for you!

It’s vital that everyone you hire has the skills and abilities you need to optimize production and customer satisfaction levels. Filling vacancies with qualified and experienced candidates from the Philippines is, as we have explained, one of the most effective and cost efficient ways you can move forward and strengthen your team.  But can you really afford to sacrifice valuable time, money and resources to organize and host interviews in the Philippines or locate a trustworthy third-party recruiter to find staff for you? More worryingly still, how much control will you surrender by leaving such important decisions to someone else?

Swifter, surer ways to identify perfect candidates at any level

One of the Philippines’ leading licensed recruitment specialists, Ikon can help you pinpoint the best candidates for jobs at any level.  A human resources company which puts the emphasis on the human, we offer a refreshingly proactive approach which carefully customizes recruitment activities to your precise needs. Over the years, our 18 recruitment centres across the Philippines have helped literally hundreds of seriously over-stretched businesses like yours fill literally thousands of vacancies!

Solving your recruitment problems has never been easier

In using Ikon to pinpoint quality hires, you can have every confidence in not only responsiveness and thoroughness, but also in the high quality of the candidates we offer you.  Ultimately, we will always go the extra mile to ensure you won’t waste time or money interviewing or appointing unqualified employees, or encountering high turnover rates should appointees not work out. Our huge pool of available candidates already includes everything from managers to experienced rank and file staff.

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